
Friday, February 5, 2016

Pretty Grey Fabric, Turned into a Comfy Shirt

Remember this fabric?

I made someone else a dress out of it, and decided I wanted something made out of it to. So I went back to the fabric store. They were all out of the grey fabric, so I brought home this very similar black fabric instead.

I made a shirt out of it. The shirt turned out pretty well and I've worn it, and worn it, and worn it, but I still wanted a shirt from the gray fabric, so one day I just decided to order the grey fabric. I ordered (and paid for) 2 yards. They sent me 4 (hey, that was nice of them!) Once I got the fabric, I made my shirt, just like the other shirt but with a few improvements.

First, I made this shirt a few inches longer, the black one is a little short in the back. Then I slightly changed the cross-over back so that it would lay a bit better. 

And, one more thing, I decided to make this shirt a v-neck.

My first attempt at making the v-neck didn't turn out so great. The point was off-center and didn't lay quite right. So, I cut it off, and re-bound the neckline, this time the point was where it was supposed to be, but (due to me just chopping off the messed up neck binding rather than using a seam ripper) the neck wound up way to wide. Yeah, it falls off my shoulders now. Good thing I've got a large collection of colorful tank tops.

(Please excuse the hay on my shirt, I got my brother to take these during feeding time)

So, this shirt. Well, it's comfortable, really, really, extremely, comfortable. It just doesn't fit like I wanted it to. I figured I could fix a couple of minor issues with the black shirt in this one and have an amazing shirt, not one that just kinda hangs on me. So I may, at a later date, with different fabric, mess with my pattern some more and see if I can get it perfect. Meanwhile, I'm just gonna be extremely comfy wearing this shirt while watching my goats and waiting for kidding to start.

Everybody is fat and pregnant with some very promising udders appearing.

Kidding starts in a little over a week! I can't wait to have adorable little baby goats running around! I keep seeing pictures come across Facebook of other people's little goats, so I'm really, really wanting my own to hurry up and get here. (Well, don't hurry too much, no preemies please!) 
Well, to kill some time this week I still have a couple yards of my gray fabric left, and another very comfy garment in mind to turn it into. Hopefully this one comes out looking like the idea in my head! Well, I won't know until I get it done, so back to my sewing table I go...

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah!!! The people who you helped us deliver sumac to had 2 of their goats kid!!
